Eliu, a country boy, is incarcerated in an experimental young offenders institution, deep in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. Every day, the teenagers perform hard manual labour and undergo intense group therapy, under the menacing gaze of the camp guard Godoy.
Film linastub inglisekeelsete subtiitritega. Ilma eestikeelse tõlketa.
Eliu, a country boy, is incarcerated in an experimental young offenders institution, deep in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. Every day, the teenagers perform hard manual labour and undergo intense group therapy, under the menacing gaze of the camp guard Godoy. One day, El Mono is transferred to the same center and with him comes the past that Eliu is trying to escape.
Maapoiss Eliu on vangistatud eksperimentaalsesse noorte kurjategijate institutsiooni sügaval Colombia troopilise metsa südames kuriteo eest, mille ta sooritas koos oma sõbra El Monoga. Noorukid teevad iga päev rasket füüsilist tööd ja läbivad intensiivset rühmateraapiat laagrivalvuri Godoy ähvardava pilgu all. Ühel päeval viiakse El Mono samasse keskusesse ja koos temaga järgneb minevik, millest Eliu üritab põgeneda.