Pikkus87 minutit
RežissöörMalika Musayeva
PiirangAlla 12a mittesoovitatav
Kinos alates25.08.2023

Filmi seansid

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Yakha is 17 and loves roaming about the fields with her friend Madina. Her home is a village in Chechnya where she lives with her mother and little brother. She is self-composed by nature and knows what she wants, but is also open to life – which begins to take shape in the form of certain cultural and social concepts.


Film linastub inglisekeelsete subtiitritega. Ilma eestikeelse tõlketa.


Yakha is 17 and loves roaming about the fields with her friend Madina. Her home is a village in Chechnya where she lives with her mother and little brother. She is self-composed by nature and knows what she wants, but is also open to life – which begins to take shape in the form of certain cultural and social concepts. Madina wants to get married; Yakha’s older sister wants a divorce. Her mother is against it – after all, she herself managed to persevere. Together they visit the grave of their father who died in the second Chechen war.

This debut film by Malika Musaeva impresses with its stylistically and narratively unobtrusive cinematic impressionism that succeeds in balancing the main character’s carefree youthfulness and inner maturity. Yakha’s complex emotional world is conveyed primarily in terms of atmosphere, via looks and gestures, landscapes and movements in the air. The deep rift between tradition and modernity, and between gendered reality and self-determination, is all the more forcefully revealed. A film about what it means to be and live as a young woman. And about melancholy.


Yakha on 17-aastane ja talle meeldib koos oma sõbra Madinaga põldudel hulkuda. Tema koduks on küla Tšetšeenias, kus ta elab koos oma ema ja väikese vennaga. Ta on loomu poolest iseseisev ja teab mida ta tahab aga on avatud ka elule – mis hakkab kujunema teatud kultuuriliste ja sotsiaalsete mõistete kujul. Madina tahab abielluda; Yakha vanem õde soovib aga lahutust. Ta ema on selle vastu – ju ta ise suutis vastu pidada. Koos külastavad nad oma isa hauda, kes hukkus teises Tšetšeenia sõjas.

See Malika Musaeva debüütfilm avaldab muljet oma stiililiselt ja narratiivselt pealetükkimatu filmiliku impressionismiga, mis suudab tasakaalustada peategelase muretut nooruslikkust ja sisemist küpsust.Yakha keerulist tundemaailma antakse edasi eelkõige atmosfääri kaudu, pilkude ja žestide, maastike ja õhu liikumise kaudu. Seda jõulisemalt tuleb ilmsiks sügav lõhe traditsiooni, modernsuse ning soolise tegelikkuse ja enesemääramise vahel. Film sellest, mida tähendab olla ja elada noorena... Ja melanhooliast.