In a remote area in São Paulo’s countryside, a rural family who lives beside a charcoal factory accepts a proposal to host a mysterious foreigner. The home soon becomes a hideout as the so-called guest happens to be a highly wanted drug lord.
Film linastub inglisekeelsete subtiitritega. Ilma eestikeelse tõlketa.
Brazil, 2022.
In a remote area in São Paulo’s countryside, a rural family who lives beside a charcoal factory accepts a proposal to host a mysterious foreigner. The home soon becomes a hideout as the so-called guest happens to be a highly wanted drug lord.
Brasiilia, 2022.
São Paulo maakohas asuvas kauges piirkonnas võtab söetehase kõrval elav maapere vastu ettepaneku võõrustada salapärast välismaalast.
Kodu muutub peagi peidupaigaks, sest nn külaline juhtub olema väga tagaotsitav narkoparun.